Rail beam clamp


The rail beam clamp is designed for attachment of fixing rails on rolled beams. This mounting component doesn´t need neither drilling nor welding for attachment. Additional moving and aligning of fixing rails can be carried out at any time. Thanks to various lengths of stirrups the rail beam clamp can be fixed to all common steel beams I, IPE, U, UPE, HEA, HEB.

Technical data:


steel class 5.6

Surface coating:

zinc plated

Supply No.  Name  A B F H M T Suitable for profile Package
    (mm) (mm) (kN) (mm)   (mm)   (pcs)
39005001 Rail beam clamp M8 FIX 27×18, 28×30 70 45 2,8 80 M8 5 27×18, 28×30 30
39005002 Rail beam clamp M10 FIX 38×40, 40×60, ST41x21-62 90 75 8,0 110 M10 6  38×40, 40×60, ST41x21-62 20
39005003 Rail beam clamp M12 FIX 38×40, 40×60, ST41x21-124               90 140 9,0 190 M12 8  38×40, 40×60, ST41x21-124   10
39004060 Rail beam clamp 40×60, ST 41×62 80 49 110 M8 5 40×60, ST41x62 20
39004182 Rail beam clamp ST 41×82 80 42 130 M10 6 ST41x82,2xST41x41 20
39004195 Rail beam clamp ST 41×124 80 42 175 M10 6 ST41x124 20